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April 6, 2011


Sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections (also known as STDs or STIs) are the infections which spread through a close personal contact. STDs can have an effect on people of all ages and background having sex.

It is very unfortunate that STDs have become common among teens now days. As teens are at a higher risk of getting STDs, it is important to know about the ways you can protect yourself.

Some STDs are far more than an embarrassment; in fact they are a serious health problem. STDs if untreated can even cause death (in the case of HIV/AIDS).

How STDs Spread

STDs spread because of the reason that people think they can only be infected if they have sexual intercourse, which unfortunately is incorrect. STDs such as herpes or genital warts can be acquired trough skin-to-skin contact with an infected area or sore.

A second misunderstanding regarding STDs is that you can not get them if you have an oral or anal sex. You actually can get STDs if you have an oral or anal sex. This is because the viruses or bacteria that cause STDs can enter the body through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth and anus, as well as the genitals.

Most People, who don’t know that they are having STDs, pass the infection to their sex partners without even realizing it. Factors that enhance the person’s chances of getting STDs are:

Sexual activity in young people; when people indulge in sexual activity at a younger age, the chances of becoming infected with an STD rise considerably.

Many sex partners; when people have many sexual partners, they are more at risk than those who stay with the same partner.

Unprotected sex; The only form of birth control that reduces the risk of getting an STD is the Latex condoms. But however latex condoms don’t fully protect the individual from the STDs. The prevention provided by the condoms against STDs is 90% research showed. Other birth control methods such as Spermicides and diaphragms may help prevent pregnancy, but they don’t protect a person against STDs.

Never share needles; many STDs such as syphilis and HIV (AIDS) can spread through shared needles.

Prevention and Treatment of STDs

Like many other diseases, prevention is the key. It is a lot simpler to prevent STDs than to treat them. The best way to avoid STDs is to abstain from all types of sexual activity. If someone wants to have sex, than the best way to reduce the chances of getting STDs is to use condoms every time.

People having sex with different sexual partners, should get regular gynecological or male genital examinations. This should be done due to two reasons. One, during these exams, doctors gets a chance to teach people about STDs and its protection. And second, if STDs are found in the earlier stages, they can be treated well.

Don’t allow humiliation to keep you from seeking medical attention for STDs. While waiting to see a doctor, you may allow the disease to progress and cause more damage. If you feel that you or your partner is having an STD, see the doctor immediately.

If you want to get your STD exam confidentially, you may be able to find a local clinic in your area. In US, some national and local organizations operate STD hotlines staffed by trained specialists who can answer your questions and provide referrals. Calls to these hotlines are confidential. One US national hotline is 1-800-227-8922. This service is provided by American social health association.

Not necessarily all the infections in the genitals are caused by STDs. At times people can get symptoms that appear very much like those of STDs. A yeast infection in girls, can easily be confused with an STD. Similarly, guys worry about bumps on the penis that turn out to be pimples or irritated hair follicles. Due to this reason it is highly recommended to see a doctor if you ever have questions about your sexual health.

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